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support > so, what should I write about?

(Or, how to achieve clarity of mind)

I. Define your goals

A veteran writer or author is really not too much disturbed with the question of "what should I write about"; unless he or she is going through some identity crises. They know, intuitively, that the answer comes in due course of time. It is usually the first-timer that struggles with this question, especially when they are not commissioned by any agency for any targeted work.

The answer to this question lies in your personality. Here are three alternatives (of course, it is presumed that you _are_ really good at writing in the first place):

  • You are strong on imagination and creativity. You can see situations from a perspective that others cannot even fathom. Then fiction writing it is; that you would set your goal on. It could be short stories, parables; material for comic books, theater plays, screenplays, and sitcom serials for television, story-writing for movies… the list is endless.
  • Instead of imagination, logic is your forte. Structure and rationale fire you up. Not for you the woolly and mushy world of emotions and tears. Non-fiction writing it is, for you then. Your outpourings would include
    • Articles, commentaries for newspaper/ magazine/ trade or commercial journal columns — perhaps on some specialization, like banking, sociology, politics, crime, etc. Perhaps you may author a book on your specialization.
    • Technical writing — where you prepare user and operations manuals;
    • And a host of others.
  • This is a special case. You have certain skills or expertise, which you would like to put down in the form of a book. Authoring a book establishes one's standing amongst peers. In your case, you may produce just one book, or, perhaps, you have several books in you waiting to come out.

The fine point here is — set your goals first. The path then lays itself out, connecting you to the goal.

II. The role of Chrysanth NETime Author

Chrysanth NETime Author comes into the picture _after_ you have decided on your goal. This is how it would help you go about your task of putting you on the road to literary success:

  • Let your imagination soar, or your logical mind wander. What are the things that come to your mind about the book or the article that you have set out to write? Random thoughts and ideas can be instantly jotted down in the "Notes" folder of the "My Articles" panel. After these jottings have piled up, you can one day look at what all you have noted. It is possible that a pattern or theme in your jottings gets discerned. You can convert these notes into a logical whole, and move the whole into the "Articles" folder. Or, if you are authoring a book, then sections or chapters go here.
  • Pictures that are relevant to your goal can be procured from the Internet, or by actually clicking away on your camera. These pictures can be neatly catalogued into different sections, and can be pulled into your chapters or sections of the book or article later.
  • In case you are writing an e-book or a web article, where softcopies are required, then the software has a great "Media Library" feature which you can exploit to the hilt. There are separate holders for file attachments — where you can arrange supplementary files that readers may go through out of interest; hyperlinks — where you simply point websites/ pages containing additional information; and audio & video holders, where you may upload stuff that value-add to the reader's experience.
  • If your writing involves meeting people and attending events, then arranging your calendar in the "My Tasks" panel makes your approach very professional. Activities once committed wouldn't get missed out, and you will have the satisfaction of producing top-quality work.

If, after reading this article, you feel inspired to brainstorm and hit that jackpot of a brilliant idea, don't forget this author's software, Chrysanth NETime Author!
